
  • Кариране челичне плоче су листови челика са подигнутим дијамантским или линеарним обрасцима на површини, пружајући побољшани стисак и вуче. They are commonly used for industrial flooring, walkways, stairs, and other applications where slip resistance is important. These plates come in various thicknesses and dimensions and can be made from carbon steel, stainless steel, or other metals, offering versatility and durability in a wide range of industrial and commercial settings.

  • Кариране челичне плоче су листови челика са подигнутим дијамантским или линеарним обрасцима на површини, пружајући побољшани стисак и вуче. They are commonly used for industrial flooring, walkways, stairs, and other applications where slip resistance is important. These plates come in various thicknesses and dimensions and can be made from carbon steel, stainless steel, or other metals, offering versatility and durability in a wide range of industrial and commercial settings.

  • Кариране челичне плоче су листови челика са подигнутим дијамантским или линеарним обрасцима на површини, пружајући побољшани стисак и вуче. They are commonly used for industrial flooring, walkways, stairs, and other applications where slip resistance is important. These plates come in various thicknesses and dimensions and can be made from carbon steel, stainless steel, or other metals, offering versatility and durability in a wide range of industrial and commercial settings.

  • is a long steel with two sides perpendicular to each other. There are equal angle steel and unequal angle steel.The width of two sides of an equal angle steel is equal. The specification is expressed in mm of side width × side width × side thickness. Such as “∟ 30 × 30 × 3″, that is to say, equal angle steel with side width of 30mm and side thickness of 3mm. Такође се може изразити по моделу. The model is the centimeter of the side width, such as ∟ 3 × 3. The model does not represent the dimensions of different edge thicknesses in the same model, so the edge width and edge thickness dimensions of angle steel shall be filled in completely in the contract and other documents to avoid using the model alone. The specification of hot rolled equal leg angle steel is 2 × 3-20 × 3.

  • c

  • Фабричка цена Л профил АСТМ Једнако угао Челик поцинковани једнак неједнак угао челични бед челични угаони бар
  • Every construction project requires robust and reliable materials to ensure its durability and longevity. Међу различитим доступним опцијама,

  • је важан део структуре стазе. Одговорна је за вођење точкова и пренос оптерећења. It needs to have sufficient strength, stability and wear resistance. The section shape of the rail is I-shaped, so that the rail has the best bending resistance. The rail is composed of a rail head, a rail waist and a rail bottom.

  • је важан део структуре стазе. Одговорна је за вођење точкова и пренос оптерећења. It needs to have sufficient strength, stability and wear resistance. The section shape of the rail is I-shaped, so that the rail has the best bending resistance. The rail is composed of a rail head, a rail waist and a rail bottom.